Our Purpose

We Give glory to God through:

1) The Expository Preaching of the Word of God – we believe that the Word of God is the main tool used by the Holy Spirit to sanctify and mature the church, and also convert sinners. The Holy Spirit uses His Words to bring the conviction of sins.

2) Songs and Praises (Worship) that are Christ-centered — We don’t try to please man with the songs. We believe that the musical worship must be theologically correct and exalt Jesus. We don’t believe that there is only one acceptable style of music.

3) Love and Care – Fellowship between the members (inside the church) and doing good works outside the church (Rom.12:9-13; Gal.6:9-10; Acts 2:42; Eph.2:19).

Our Purpose

Gracious Cross Reformed Church exists to glorify God.

​We want to know Christ and to make Him known, in our homes, in our livelihoods, in our community, and all around the world.

Jesus Christ is the Head of this church. Everything we do is for His glory. This is His church. He is the Lord and we are His willing bond slaves.

He bought us with His own blood.

We are His flock and we delight in hearing His voice through the reading and exposition of the Scriptures.

Our obedience to Jesus flows from our faith in Him and our love for Him who loved us first.

We are a Christ-centered church!