Spirit-Empowered in Our Ministry

We are thankful to be Spirit-Empowered in Our Ministry. We expect the Holy Spirit to move in His various spiritual gifts “as He wills.” Paul lays down clear guidelines for how this is to be done, and he discourages us from wasting time in our worship services with gifts that do not edify the congregation.

You will notice that we place a microphone at the front of the room during our time of worship. This “Open Mic” is there to encourage our members, and especially our men, to share what they believe to be a gift of the Holy Spirit to exhort, encourage, comfort and edify one another in Christ. Our Elders are tasked to oversee this process and to make sure it provides a safe place for all our members to learn how to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. This approach encourages such gifts to then be used throughout the week, in evangelism and in discipleship ministries, at home and in the workplace.

In addition, we pray for and expect the anointing of the Holy Spirit on our preparation and preaching of God’s Word. The Puritans believed that anointed preaching was a form of New Testament prophecy, and we agree. We expect God to move in power by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of His Word.