Statues of Farel, Calvin, Beza and Knox in Geneva, Switzerland

Reformed in Doctrine

In our pulpit ministry, we make every effort to feed all ages of our flock on the Word of God. Most of our sermons are verse-by-verse expository preaching. Our Teaching Elders seek to apply the Historical-Grammatical interpretation of the Bible. Our goal is always to get into our own minds what the author had in his mind when the Holy Spirit inspired him to write the inerrant, infallible, Word of God.

We are Reformed in our Bible Doctrine. We believe the “Reformed Doctrines of Grace,” defined during the Protestant Reformation, best express and integrate the great truths of our salvation. We are saved by God’s sovereign grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, through the gospel revealed in Scripture alone, and all for the glory of God alone.

We are also Baptist. We believe that it is right to baptize new believers by total immersion. That said, we will respect the decisions parents may have made in the past concerning baptism and will not make an issue of this unless the young adult requests an explanation of our point of view.